The Lamb by Lucy Rose
no notes for this one, but the writing in this book is so beautifully haunting and gruesome i just really needed a place to compile the quotes that stood out to me
'I hope we are in a deep forest together, Mama. I hope it is deep and dark, and a place that no one will ever find us.' - Chapter 5
'Nature was beautiful. But we did such a good job of making it ugly.' - Chapter 16
'What people don't know, Little One, is that the most dreadful things happen out in the open while the sun shines bright up in the sky and no one can do a thing about it. Those who watch don't care and pretend they don't see. They burrow and forget.' - Chapter 18
'The absence of love had spoilt something in their souls and mine. Our love was rotten, but still looking for the burning it craved; for anything to revive the embers that had gone out long ago.' - Chapter 31
'Her papa was never going to come home to her. He would never hold her or read to her. I made a quiet wish that she'd forget about her papa, that he would evaporate, along with his memories, but somewhere inside I knew she would always remember him and wonder where he was. And I would always remember how delicious he tasted.' - Chapter 31
'The bus driver was quiet. He measured his words before he gave them, like flour or butter. Children recieved adults' words in the smalled portions. The adults left pieces out in the fray; the pieces they thought we didn't handle well. But those left-out pieces were the ones we needed the most.' - Chapter 34
'I felt like I'd been robbed of something. I wondered what we were supposed to be doing together at his fiftieth birthday or my fiftieth. At Christmases and weddings he never got to go to. He's the empty seat everywhere I go. I'm older than he ever got to be. Kids aren't supposed to be older or wiser than their parents. It seems wrong, doesn't it?' - Chapter 34
'Hidden in the forest ferns, far away from Mama and Eden, I held the strand of hair in my palm. When I held Abbie's hair up to the sunlight, it was straight and yellow. It looked like a golden thread. I opened my mouth and put it down on my tongue. It didn't taste like apples. It tasted like Abbie. I closed my eyes. And I swallowed the small piece of her I'd taken. Now a piece of Abbie was with her papa.' - Chapter 35
'I wondered if I'd always feel this way; if I'd forever crave the meat on her bones.' - Chapter 47